Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dear God,

About that deal we made last night.

You held up your end, and now I promise I'll do the same.

Do not take this to mean that I actually believe you're up there, but simply that I'm not so sure that you aren't.

(And no, I'm not going back to church on Sundays.)



Penal-Colony said...

Yourself and Pascal, eh. Hedging your bets. Go[o]d man.

Michael said...

Ah you know, better safe than sorry and all that rot. I'm sure my agnostic prayer had nothing to do with anything, can I be completely sure when it appears to have been answered?

MichaelRyerson said...

Hope it's good news. Everybody deserves a little good news every once in a while.

Penal-Colony said...

Reminds me of an anecdote Zizek loves to tell about Niels Bohr: apparently he had a horse-shoe nailed over his cabin door and once, when another physicist was visiting, he berated him for it -- 'I thought you didn't believe in any of that stuff', his visitor said, to which Bohr responded, 'that's the beauty of this stuff, it still works whether you believe in it or not.'

Ritual does that too, no? It supplants faith by doing your thinking for you.

Michael said...

Michael~ Very good news. Almost lost my brother last night. They cracked his chest open this morning and after 3 hrs of surgery he's now recovering in ICU with all signs pointing to a full recovery. Gotta make a mental note to tell my brother I love him more often.

Michael said...


It was something along the lines of "Hey asshole, you don't know me and I don't expect you to hear any of this since I don't really believe you're up there anyway.I would never ask you to look down on me with any special favor, but if you can help my brother and his family through this I promise I will never again be certain that you don't exist."

MichaelRyerson said...

That is good news and here's to that full recovery they're talking about. Second and third chances are way cool. Don't waste 'em. (Thought it might be something else)

Michael said...

Telling my sister that my brother needs to make a lifestyle change right now. He needs to lose weight, and he needs to start right now.

Guess what she said?

"I could say the same thing about you and those fucking cigarettes! You need to stop and you need to stop right now!"

Yep, gotta love sisters.

MichaelRyerson said...

Yeah, well I seriously considered a stop-smoking snark of my own, something along the lines of reach down and feel exactly what you felt while your brother was under the knife and the issue was still in doubt, that deep, sickening fear is exactly what's waiting for him when the smoking finally catches up with you. yeah, I thought about sayin' it but I didn't.

Michael said...

Phew, it's a good thing you held off on that.

MichaelRyerson said...

Yeah, I'm all about holding my tongue.

Keifus said...

I'm glad it's a positive prognosis. Surgery is scary shit.

Michael said...

Buncha relieved people this morning K. He's the oldest. Quiet leader kinda guy. I think we were all taking him for granted. I don't think we'll be doing that any more.